Lookup efaktura identifier using personal information. The identifier is used for addressing efaktura invoices when not using SSN directly on the invoice
Key | Description |
type | Must be set to the value lookup in order to perform a lookup |
sender_orgno | If used, will also check if receiver have accepted sender |
ssn | Social security number. Pretty characters not allowed |
name_first | First name |
name_last | Last name |
E-mail address | |
phone | Full phone number. Pretty characters not allowed |
address_street | Full street name and number |
address_postal_code | Postal code. Pretty characters not allowed |
address_postal_place | Postal place / city |
address_country | 2-character iso-code. Defaults to NO |
efakturaidentifier | If you already have the identifier and want to validate that receiver accepts sender_orgno |
Example: /efakturaquery?type=lookup&ssn=123456789
Authentication follows standard Distribution authentication
404 response means identifier not found.
200 OK response will return the identifier in the response body